סיור ופעילות

הזמן לינה


LOTAN + Project TEN Missions

Project TEN - The Jewish Agency for Israel

The GHANA mission starts with a 1 month intensive training in Permaculture and Ecological Design at the Center for Creative Ecology at Kibbutz Lotan located in the Negev in Southern Israel.

This world-class certification program in sustainable development is followed by a 3 months volunteer assignment with Project TEN at their center in Ghana, West Africa where you’ll get to apply all your new gained skills and help strengthen local resilience.

To apply – email us todaydaniel.a@tenprogram.org 


DATES: Aug 1 – Nov 30, 2016


COST: $3,300

How The Program Works 

1 Month at the Center for Creative Ecology of Kibbutz Lotan in the Negev Desert

Get trained in:

  •        Permaculture Design
  •        Ecological Design
  •        Community Regeneration
  •        Sustainable Agriculture
  •        Natural Building
  •        Alternative Technologies

3 Months at the Project TEN Center in Winneba, Ghana

Apply what you learned and experience the challenges of agriculture in developing countries where the struggle between tradition, sustainability and modern practices is real.

To apply – email us today: daniel.a@tenprogram.org 

For more information about the Ghana: TEN Ghana Mission

For detailed information about the pre-mission training as part of the Lotan green apprenticeship program: www.kibbutzlotan.com/green-apprenticeship

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