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The JNF-KKL-קק”ל has been a reliable and generous partner in the establishment and development of Kibbutz Lotan since its founding in 1983. This relationship has blossomed through support of the Center for Creative Ecology (CfCE) since 2003. Projects have included:

Field crop and date orchard infrastructure.

Master Plan for the Center for Creative Ecology’s Migratory Bird and Nature Reserve, Birdwatching Park, Camping and Education Facilities.

Birdwatching hides and irrigation system of the Migratory Bird and Nature Reserve.

Visitor’s Center Auditorium.

Birdwatching Park and Campgrounds.

EcoCampus Energy Monitoring.

The members of Kibbutz Lotan, our students and guests are highly appreciative of the donors and staff of the Jewish National Fund in Australia, Canada, UK, USA and worldwide.  We are grateful to the staff of the Keren Kayemet L’Yisrael קרן קיימת לישראל  for planning and construction facilitation. Thank you for your continued support in Jewish Environmental Education, Eco-Tourism and sustainable development of the Southern Arava, Hevel Eilot Region of Israel.

Visit the Jewish Ecology Campus and learn about our New EcoCampus in construction

Read more about Kibbutz Lotan – A Vital KKL-JNF Ecological Project in the Arava. JNF KKL Press, Jerusalem [Kibbutz Lotan Jewish Eco Community KKL JNF]   /  [RJ Magazine Earthcare Lotan]

Article about the KKL-JNF “GreenXchange Youth” program visit to Lotan and the Arava, Jerusalem Post [LINK]

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