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Sustainable Communities

A week-long practical workshop in eco-Judaism on Kibbutz Lotan

This programme is aimed for groups of minimum 10 participants.

Sustainability: Quality of life for all within the means of nature — now and in the future

The story of Creation and humanity’s responsibility “to till and to tend”; Shabbat as sanctified time for awareness of the wonders of Nature; Social and environmental justice through Tikkun Olam:

Jewish tradition is steeped in an environmental ethic that is highly relevant to the major challenge of our times – The successful transition to a just and sustainable society.

The aim of the Building Jewish Sustainable Communities workshop on Kibbutz Lotan is to:

  • Provide an introduction to the concept of sustainability from a modern Jewish perspective

  • Increase understanding of global sustainability issues with local community as the context for solutions

  • Cultivate the development of a living and relevant Jewish environmental ethic

  •  Supply practical tools for initiating sustainability projects at a community level

Participants of the workshop will:

  • Learn practical, hands-on techniques that form part of a functional sustainability “tool-box”

  • Experience a living community whose lifestyle reflects sustainability values and their application

  • Assess the opportunities and challenges for sustainability in their own communities

  • Leave with a strengthened Jewish identity, empowered with concepts and tools as agents for change

The Building Jewish Sustainable Communities workshop is run on an interactive and experiential basis, combining theoretical concepts with practical tools and their application.

Topics covered in the full-week program include:

  • “From Crisis to Sustainability”: Global Issues, Global Challenges

  •  “To Till and to Tend”: Developing a living and relevant Jewish environmental ethic

  •  Community: the context for solutions

  • Building with natural and recycled materials, ecological design

  • Local food production, organic gardening, the magic of compost, seeds

    and seed saving

  • Eco-kashrut & food justice

  • Awe & wonder: Reconnecting to Nature through Judaism

  • Alternative technologies: Solar ovens, grey water, waterless toilets

  • Shabbat as an eco-Jewish concept

  • Tikkun Olam: Social & environmental justice from a Jewish perspective

  • Thinking globally, acting locally: Opportunities and challenges for

    sustainability in our own communities

About Kibbutz Lotan:

Kibbutz Lotan’s Center for Creative Ecology, situated 55km north of Eilat in the southern Arava, is unique within Israel in providing quality experiential environmental education from a liberal, progressive Jewish perspective within the framework of a Reform Jewish community whose lifestyle reflects sustainability values. The Center won the Ministry of the Environment’s Shield award in 2000 for its work in environmental education. Kibbutz Lotan is a community of the Israel Movement for Progressive Judaism and a member of the Global Ecovillage Network, and was awarded the prize for Ecovillage Excellence in 2006 for work in environmental education and outreach, waste management and ecological building.

Explore the region

Set off on a Desert Hike around Kibbutz Lotan and then explore our region’s Israel National Trail ,Timna Park & the Ancient Copper MInesEilat Underwater ObservatoryEilat Coral Beach Nature Park, Scuba Diving, Snorkeling and Water Sports, Tour Petra and Jordan, the Dead Sea, Masada National ParkEin Gedi National Park, Jerusalem, Biking Tours, Neot Semadar Restarant & ToursOff Grid Village & Renewable Energy toursBird Watching tours, the Ramon Crater and much more…

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